Adidas 防水鞋
都是消息落後惹的禍~XD 去光南買了較薄的瓦楞紙,做了可以涉至少20cm水深的鞋筒= =”(秤重的時候完蛋了…)跟別人最大的差異應該是使用材料裡面完全沒有用到膠帶唷!
都是消息落後惹的禍~XD 去光南買了較薄的瓦楞紙,做了可以涉至少20cm水深的鞋筒= =”(秤重的時候完蛋了…)跟別人最大的差異應該是使用材料裡面完全沒有用到膠帶唷!
What is creativity like?
Creativity is like finding a spark of fire that accidentally or intentionally comes into your mind when your thoughts are wandering in vast darkness of problem solving. This spark could light up paths to finding a solution for any problems at hand, and if it is used efficiently, having progress in what you are doing would become much easier. I used this metaphor because every time I think of a good idea when I am facing problems, it is like a light bulb turning on besides a cartoon character, only it is much shorter in time, and has much less brightness, but this very spark of creativity has the power to let me move on to the next level with what I am working on, and sometimes, it is exactly what I need to ignite the engine in my brain. Take the paper shoes for an example, I was concerning about how to fill the gap between two pieces of paper so that water won’t soak in, and a thought came across my mind that I could fold the paper instead of putting a large amount of glue between gaps, and that was the critical point for my success when crossing the water.