2011年1月14日 星期五

台科大 四設工二甲 B9810025 王偉

The Creative Product Assignment

Product History

The Product that keeps its innovation

Then & Now

The Passion to keep it alive

The Spirit to keep doing everything differently

The Definition and Elements of a Creative Product

A Creative Product is born due to the passion and innovation of mankind and souls; many times come from the wildest imagination we posses ever. From the birth of this planet and its history till the modern era and new century we live in today, uncountable products, items, objects, and technology have been created by our bare hands and strong will. What for? I would personally say for the future, for tomorrow, for our next generation, for the better world that we live in. Although many times these words are just bullshit, many were just after the equity and fame under it, but the impact they have created and wrote in the history are beyond the chapters.

However, for a Creative Product, we may often look into it to solve the problems in our life, and everything around us. As our Professor always told us “A Product Designer, is to solve problems.” Even thought there may be sometimes it is for school project or to enter a contest, still, creativity has no boundaries. When I personally look into a Creative Product, I may see it in many elements. First, I would justify if this product is interesting to me, judging by its shape, form, color and so on. If a product can catch our attention by its appearance or first impression, then it’s successfully Creative half way through. Secondly, I would look into its purpose, mainly the purpose of creating the particular product, and what the product in purposely for. Then, I would like to see if this product introduced something new, something inspiring to our world, and something strong that can impact our daily lives, that, I truly believe is important. Judging by these elements will define the reasons and understand why this Creative Product is born into our world.

Ultimately, if the core of a Creative Product wants to produce second, third, and generations beyond, also wanting to last forever in our world and heart. It will need time, history, and the ability to attract our attention and keep in our memories. The best example for mainland Taiwan would be the Tatung rice cooker, it has been memories in every generation since its birth, and now, a new generation of Tatung rice cooker have been created again. The product still kept the original shape and features, but in a new modern theme that would catch both generations of the conservatives and the youth. Another phenomenal product hot around the world is the Porsche automobile, from its first automobile in 1900’s, then evolved over and over again, still, it is evolving and creating more powerful sports cars than over. Now, we seen over dozens of different kinds of new Porsche’s on the road but it still own its very unique design, a unapologetic and pure body. It truly answers a dream of one kind to another, at the same time teaches us Product Designers to do everything differently, differently than expected, and to have a bold mind.

This, is what I truly believe a Creative Product is- an Inspiration.
